To support our goals, we have created a Facebook group called Expat Kids in Eindhoven. In this group, we provide a platform to share ideas, such as where to purchase clothes, suggestions for kids' parties, recommended venues for birthday celebrations, family-friendly dining options, and other tips to make life easier. Additionally, every Thursday, we host Facebook live events featuring experts from around the world who cover various topics relevant to children, such as bullying, reading, creating activities for kids, healthy eating, dyslexia, finances, and gentle discipline. We have experts scheduled for every Thursday this month, as well as two Saturdays. We also offer a Facebook live session where parents can interact with a toddler expert to gain valuable insights on different topics.


Furthermore, we have introduced a new segment called "Expat Kids Be The Blogger." where one of our expat kids and their family share their experiences visiting a location in or around Eindhoven. Finally, soon as every Friday, we will have again our Dutch free tips and lessons and providing opportunities for children to learn the Dutch language with reading.  

Join our Facebook group, Expat Kids in Eindhoven, and engage in the exciting activities we have to offer!"