
The original idea, born during quarantine with Love By Grace Kids , revolves around providing free online activities for children all over the world. This initiative led Silvia Expat mama  to ponder how could support the children in our beautiful community, thus giving birth to this project.

Since 2021  we are part of SA Love by grace foundation.  That's how this project started. We offer a different activity, with topics including technology, science, cooking, history, crafts, etc. This is the new and wider concept of “soft skills” learning activities and emotional intelligence education. Through fun for children aged 0 to 13, they will have the opportunity to make new friends of similar ages in a healthy, fun, and dynamic environment, created in Eindhoven.

The idea of ​​​​these activities is to support in:

πŸ’— To facilitate the children's process of adapting to this new country.

πŸ’— Our activities aim to create a connection between the children and the Dutch city and culture.

πŸ’— To build and strengthen the connection between the children and their parents during this period.

πŸ’— Activities focused on Intelligence emotional and soft skills.